Corporate Philosophy / Symbol / Policies
Our philosophy, Business Guiding Principles, Code of Conduct
To achieve our philosophy,
●We create value together with customers at their site.
●We pursue our unique value based on the idea of “human-centered.”
●We think towards the future and act progressively.
Our symbol, azbil

azbil is the symbol of the group that will bring us together.
Let us nurture it into a brand that customers love.
azbil (automation・zone・builder) represents our philosophy of realizing safety, comfort and fulfillment in people’s lives, and contributing to the global environment through human-centered automation.
The roundness of the letters signifies tender humanity, and the oval shape curving upward to the right expresses our unlimited potential.
Shape of the logo
The roundness of the letters in the logo signifies human kindness, and the oval shape curving upward to the right expresses unlimited potential.
Corporate color : azbil red
This color symbolizes our philosophy.
Red, a warm color, expresses passion and life that represents our philosophy.
The deep, rich red stands for our pride as an automation company with a long tradition, as well as our spirits of challenges into the future.
This unique color has been dubbed our own azbil red.
The azbil Group's code of conduct and policies
- Azbil Corporation Info
- Corporate Philosophy / Symbol / Policies
- azbil Group Corporate Social Responsibility
- Investor Relations
- Medium-term Plan
- Research & Development
- Production
- Safety and Dependability of Products and Services
- Procurement
- Exhibitions & Seminars
- Public Relations
- azbil Group
- Certifications
- Global Network